As promised, here are the NetChix ladies. First, meet Linda. Her style is breezy and outdoorsy.

Linda - Boho Chic
Second, there is Barbara. Her style is eclectic. She loves all colors and can put them together to make them work for her.

Barbara - Eclectic
Third, meet Tammy. Tammy's style is sophisticated. She is the kind of lady armed with a complex artistic arsenal and is not afraid to put it to work.

Tammy - Sophistication
Fourth up is Lisa M. Her style is sassy. She does everything in a sassy way especially writing haiku!

Lisa M. - Sassy!
Fifth lady of NetChix, Cindy. All I have to say about her is retro, retro, retro.

Cindy - Retro
Last but not least by any means, is Lisa C. Her style is elegant. She has a Victorian flair that she expresses by creating vintage period artwork.

Lisa - Elegance
And ladies, there you have the ATCs of the NetChix Ladies.