Some people,
A few people, Not many people live lives that effect the entire world. I have found in my life that I cannot do much to change the course of history for better but that does not mean that I should not try. I am trying to change the world for better by saving one cat at a time. See, I have always felt like an interloper or a squatter on this planet. This planet is not mine or anyone else’s. The opportunity to live here and share the world with all of the other life here is a gift. All life is precious not just human life. Wild creatures may not know much but I can guarantee the one thing they ALL know is to protect their lives. In the end, it is all we have. Someday, I only hope to have given more than I took. This world will not survive much longer unless more giving is done than taking. I can make the world better by saving one cat at time. Meet Henry Tooter…my latest opportunity to make the world a better place.