Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Kitty Aardvark
Look at this funny little picture I took of JakeBoo. It was all set up to be a cute picture until he shoved my hand. He looks just like an aardvark.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Little Dude Gets An Eye Test
Okay, here we are this morning at the opthomologist. Little Dude got an eye test. They tested how much tears his eyes make and he was tested for glaucoma too. As it turns out, he has something called symblepharon. There is not anything that can be done about it. Sometimes it eventually covers the entire eye. His may have done all the damage it is going to do at this point. That is what we hope. Look at his sweet little profile in that kitty carrier. Everyone always oohs and ahhs over him because he is just so adorable. His little body is so cuddly, sleek and warm. He came to the right home when he found me. I have been running the home for special needs kittens for years now. Funny how they know that instinctively.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
BooBear Takes a Ride
Boobear made his doctor's visit today. He is all vaccinated up. No more shots for baby. His teeth are all in and looking good. The only thing is his little eye is still unhealthy. So we have more doctor visits in our future to an opthamologist.

One of my big pet peeves is to see someone texting while driving. I realize people think they can do it but they just cannot. Just when I thought I had seen it all, this morning when I was driving with kittybooboo, I saw a guy texting on a motorcycle!!!! I tried to get out of his path as quickly as possible.

One of my big pet peeves is to see someone texting while driving. I realize people think they can do it but they just cannot. Just when I thought I had seen it all, this morning when I was driving with kittybooboo, I saw a guy texting on a motorcycle!!!! I tried to get out of his path as quickly as possible.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Baby Boo Update
You realize, of course, Baby Boo is not his 'real' name. Baby Boo is what I am calling him lately. Sometimes I call him BooBoo. Sometimes I call him BooBear. He is a tiger full of spit and vinegar always moving like a circle saw. He has teeth like a vampire. He loves to use them too. He chews on anything and everything. Here he is chewing on my glasses. I let him chew those because that felt better than my fingers.
Now I have had lots of cats that have shoe fetishes. You know the kind I am talking about. The ones that like to lie on a pair of shoes you just kicked off. They camp out on them like they are their very own beds. Then, when it comes time to put your shoes back on, you have to tug them out from under whomever that shoe lover is. They act all perturbed like 'how dare you take my bed away, hateful mom!' Well, Little Boo Boo is a first for me. He is a purse lover. It actually makes sense that a cat of mine would be a purse lover. Anyway, he scopes out where my purse is and actually gets in it. I am not sure what he thinks he is doing. I think he hopes to be a stow-away but he may just think of it as his own personal house. Not sure about that yet. I am still 'studying' it. Here he is working to get into my purse even though I thought it was pretty well hidden from him.
Tomorrow, he and I take another vet visit together. I will probably have more pictures and tales (tails?) then. I say probably. I never got back here with those painted fingernails the other day. So we will see.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Classic cars and Nail talk
Remember these old kind of cars? They were huge like yachts going down the highway.
I have been fixated on 50's stuff lately not sure why though. It is strange how the mind works. I am not sure what to do with my blog. It is boring. I have just been doing photoshop stuff for so long that they are not much to look at anymore. I have so many more things that interest me. Like I am about to go polish my fingernails. I want to have pretty nails for the beginning of the week. I may come back here and surprise you with the color I choose. I think I dusted every item in this house this weekend. I was on a dust hunt. Now that I did all that dusting, I need to concentrate on repairing some damage to my hands. I might come back and post a picture of my nails. I cut them off not long ago. I like them to be shorter.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
One Cat At A Time

Back to the question, why do I do it?
Millions or billions of years ago (a long time) when the world was new and the dust settled and the mists receded something went drastically awry. At least, that is how I see it. See, I just cannot imagine a God that inflicts intentional pain. I just cannot. I have tried to imagine that and I cannot. Why create a perfect world and toss pain into the mixture? Masochistic? Could be but I do not think so. So someone or something broke one of the universal laws of creation and caused the train to leave the track. They drove us into the ditch. Something makes me think it was more than eating a piece of fruit too. However, I am admittedly pretty stupid. I understand saying it was a piece of fruit so I can comprehend that a law was broken by someone. But when Eve caused the wagon to lose a wheel by eating a piece of fruit or whatever she did, she also brought death into the world. Unfortunately, she brought death for everything in the world even to the innocents, even to those sweet creatures beyond sin, those beyond thought or comprehension. I do not know how that makes you feel but it makes me sad. Okay, I can take the sin and I can take the punishment because I am human and Eve was human. As her sister, I am willing to take the punishment with her and suffer pain in this world. But see, this sweet kitten here, Little BooBoo never hurt anyone. He never ate fruit nor did one of his ancestors. He never broke that law that set the universe off course that brought death upon us all. Yet, when I met this little innocent creature, he was suffering. He was thin. He was hungry. His eye was cut and swollen. He was a baby, an infant even and he was all alone in this world. Without analyzing it, I knew I could make one thing right. This world is messed up in so many ways but I could fix it for one creature, one innocent, one sweet soul. I could fix it by showing that animal what compassion from a human is.
So that is why I do it. I cannot fix this world. Oh, I wish I could. There is no telling what kind of mess I could get us into if I had a try at fixing things. However, I can show love to one little being that would otherwise never know any human kindness at all. It is small and insignificant. I will not win any Nobel Prizes for it but that is what I do, take pain away from the world one cat at a time.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
It Pays to Laugh
I couldn't quit laughing at work today. I am known for coining phrases but today, I coined a humdinger. It made everyone laugh. We have a dreaded task on Thursday nights that we each must take turns doing. My phrase was describing that task. I do not think anyone will be able to work on Thursday nights now without laughing.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Vino or Vine Vignette
It is really difficult for me to work on this computer with a little kitten biting my knee cap. I like making these little double vignettes. These do not really make a pair. A bottle of wine does not exactly go with a flower but I was making stamps out of what I had. Plus another thing little kitten does that makes working on this computer difficult; he walks on the keyboard. He turns off the wifi, turns on all caps, turns off the sound. But I love him, so it doesn't bother me that much and he is just so cute while he is cutting capers.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Turquoise Memories
I am still having turquoise dreams. It is so Palm Springs. It is so 1950's. It is so Frank Sinatra. I am so drunk with heat exhaustion that I think I am doing word association now. I am just enamoured with the color blue at the moment. It comes and goes. This is not the first time I have been in love with turquoise. I have a jewelry box full of the color to prove it. I have been thinking of my turquoise home improvement project all day. That second little blue dress picture is outlined in white but not sure if that is going to show up on the white background of my blog.
Once I stayed in this old elegant hotel in San Antonio built during the art deco period. The bathroom was done in turquoise and black subway tile. It was beautiful. Do you think they make turquoise cars anymore? They used to...remember those two-toned white and turquoise Chevrolets? I think we may have had one. In the mid 60's they put some awesome color combinations together in fabrics like hot pink and orange, turquoise and lime green.
Once I stayed in this old elegant hotel in San Antonio built during the art deco period. The bathroom was done in turquoise and black subway tile. It was beautiful. Do you think they make turquoise cars anymore? They used to...remember those two-toned white and turquoise Chevrolets? I think we may have had one. In the mid 60's they put some awesome color combinations together in fabrics like hot pink and orange, turquoise and lime green.
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That is Us |
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My Style
Okay, okay, I get really excited talking about this. See, I found this picture of what I had been envisioning for my living room and it uses the color that I have been dreaming about lately...TURQUOISE!!! It is just so great that I can hardly simmer down long enough to write about it. Okay, here is my vision. I am seeing my living room in all black and white with TURQUOISE accents just like this! Plus, I won't have to do that much because I already have so much done in white. Hmmm...what to do about the floor though...save that to think about later. Oh, oh, oh and here is the best part. See that ottoman that I circled in red??? I just LOVE that! This room in this picture from House Beautiful was decorated by Jonathan Aldan. The only other person I have ever seen do an ottoman like that was David Bromstad. I have been wanting one of those ottomans just like that ever since I saw him put one in a room on HGTV. David had his custom made and I am betting Jonathan did too. I have to have one and I want mine to be TURQUOISE just like this. Okay, I am going to go stare at this picture awhile now.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Remember the board book?
Eighteen million years ago, I began the story of my life board book. I made it all the way up to the 1970's. Then, something happened. I lost steam. My engine blew out. So I put the board book on the back burner.
I have mentioned the 1980's before here. They were odd for me. They were a learning time. I would liken myself at the beginning of the 1980's to a tree that had never been pruned. I was all willy, nilly with branches sprouting here and there having lots of leaves but lacking definition. By the end of the 80's, all the superficiality (or most of it) had been pruned away. I had been pruned right down to the trunk with only a few limbs remaining but with strong roots. I was ready to grow toward the sun. My goals were more honorable. My intentions were better. Long story short, I was a better person. Growing is painful though.
So why not a picture of a tree here? In retrospect, it should have been. But at that time in my life, I was focusing on my innerself, therefore, the eye is an appropriate symbol too. It is all happening on the inside. Plus, that make up on that eye kind of reminds me of something I might have worn then. It is definitely not something I would wear now. Well, at least, on most days. ;)
See the difference?
I have mentioned the 1980's before here. They were odd for me. They were a learning time. I would liken myself at the beginning of the 1980's to a tree that had never been pruned. I was all willy, nilly with branches sprouting here and there having lots of leaves but lacking definition. By the end of the 80's, all the superficiality (or most of it) had been pruned away. I had been pruned right down to the trunk with only a few limbs remaining but with strong roots. I was ready to grow toward the sun. My goals were more honorable. My intentions were better. Long story short, I was a better person. Growing is painful though.
So why not a picture of a tree here? In retrospect, it should have been. But at that time in my life, I was focusing on my innerself, therefore, the eye is an appropriate symbol too. It is all happening on the inside. Plus, that make up on that eye kind of reminds me of something I might have worn then. It is definitely not something I would wear now. Well, at least, on most days. ;)
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Me circa 1985 Me Circa 2011 |
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Nigel as a Carousel Figure
If my Nigel was a carousel figure, he would look like this except with a short tail.
This is one of those fancy lions that I mentioned in my previous post.
I wish I could get a picture of my little baby's teeth. You have never seen anything like them. They are SO snaggled right now. His incisor baby teeth have fallen out. He is getting along well with everyone now after he beat up everyone. Baby is an alpha. Here is Nigel chancing an encounter with him.If Nigel looks hacked off, he is. Nigel is not liking the fact that baby has gotten his throw.
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Carousel Nigel |
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Carousel Lion |
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Nigel and baby |
All the Pretty Little Horses
I love carousel horses. I cannot resist watching a carousel. I particularly love the non-horse animal figures on carousels with my favorite being the lion. I love to see a regal lion on a carousel. I also love the rabbits. Sometimes there is a mermaid shaped boat. Sometimes there is a swan shaped boat. My fascination with carousels may stem from a book I read long ago about riding a carousel called "Something Wicked This Way Comes". Depending on which way it was going, you got younger or older. Intriguing idea, isn't it? Today, I would get on that carousel and ride it backwards stopping at about 1963. I wouldn't want to stay there forever, just for a little while. If you could ride a carousel to anywhere in time, where would you stop for awhile?
I made everything on these Photoshop creations with brushes. I am really loving the brushes these days. I can scan almost anything and make a brush out of it. I have so much fun with Photoshop that I have been thinking about getting a Wacom tablet.
I made everything on these Photoshop creations with brushes. I am really loving the brushes these days. I can scan almost anything and make a brush out of it. I have so much fun with Photoshop that I have been thinking about getting a Wacom tablet.
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