Gratitude is a wonderous thing. Anyone who cannot find a thing to be grateful for has had too much. Anyone who cannot be grateful has never walked through the fire.
As I grow older, I find myself being grateful for many things that I used to take for granted. I am grateful for each new sunrise. I am grateful for the full moon. I am grateful that I can walk the icey winded walk from my car into work and grateful for the job that I walk to.
I am very grateful that all of my fuzzy tails seem to be over the sniffles now!!! Yippee! It was rough there for awhile.
Look what I did to this picture using Glaze. It did not have any bokeh in it at all until I created it.
By the way, my entire kitten family has been sick for the past two weeks with an upper respiratory infection which in kittens is very similar to the common cold in humans. However, for felines this condition is much, much more serious. But I am keeping a close eye on all of them and I am very happy to report that so far, so good.
Remember about 3 or 4 posts back, I posted a picture of the 'furniture friend' that was 'supposed' to keep 'furniture enemies' away?
Nigel Under Cover
Okay, now I am not so sure if this furniture thing is a friend, an enemy or maybe we are merely acquaintances. At any rate, it really seems to be a friend to Nigel who has figured out how to wrap himself up in it sort of like a sleeping bag.
It is like my mother always said. "I can't have anything because I have a cat." I keep reminding myself that it is my choice and to stop with my complaining. I mean that thing under the furniture friend is really the most beautiful thing I have and I wouldn't trade him for a gazillion sofas.
Anyone that even occassionally visits my blog knows I am an ardent angliophile. I was born this way. Long after reaching adulthood when investigating my own deep roots, it was not a surprise when I discovered 80% of my ancestry was British.
Then it makes sense that my little Jakey is the Prince Moon and Stars, right?
He is a prince but he maybe wearing the crown of a duke.
Plus, I think everyone is very familiar with my love for British music. Along about this time last year, I remember making a post about one of my favorite Christmas songs to hear, "Last Christmas" by George Michael. That does not mean that I do not like it by a cool, Austin,Texas group called Dexter Freebish. We have cool stuff here in Texas too.
I love how these guys rock this song. You cannot listen to it without really getting into it. There is no video really just the song but hey, that is all you really want, right?
I am an upholstering fool! I upholstered this coffee table.
Here it is out in the garage where I spent a week scrubbing around on the floor with it trying to get it painted then upholstered. It would have been simple enough except lately I have been dealing with a bum knee. My bum knee is caused from certain movements that I can no longer do with my leg without tearing the meniscus.
Table Before Refurb
That is at least one other entire blog post but not this one. This one is about upholstery! Long story short, I needed to make those movements when down on the floor with this table but I had to be creative and find a way to deal with it. I dealt with it and this is how it turned out.
Refurbed Table
Look at that beautiful cat prancing by it! It is in his colors! Moon and Stars can hide on that table now and believe me, he does. It is soft and comfy just for him or so he thinks.
I did a Glaze of the she-arts on the wall. The part I love best about this Glazed picture are the two toy balls laying on the floor. See them?
Lately, I have been thinking a lot about a little island that I love. The oddest thing about this little island is that it produces some extraordinary musicians. Musicians with their roots far across the Atlantic in the bluesy deep, south. Strangers in another land putting their own flavor on something already beautiful.
I have most particularly been thinking about George Harrison which led me to thinking about Eric Clapton and how they really know their way around a guitar. Speaking of George reminds me that one of the many beautiful things about the Beatles were that each one of them individually was awesome in their own right. Each of them knicked off traits of American singers/musicians of the time. Yet, as a whole no Beatles song sounded like Elvis, Carl Perkins or Little Richard.
If I could interview Paul McCartney, I would love to ask him what particularly was going through his mind when he wrote the words to "Long and Winding Road". What/who was he thinking about when he wrote "the wild and windy night that the rain washed away has left a pool of tears crying for the day" ? Those are awesome words. I would love to know what he was thinking about when he put those down on paper.
Well, I don't have a dozen glazed but how about 1/4 of a dozen? I have been playing with this Glazed app and having loads of fun. I feel like Claude Monet!
It has caused me to go digging for pictures. This is so much fun. I am glazing the world. Here are a few examples.