I love Las Vegas. I am not much of a gambler but I do love bright lights and all of the glitz and gaudiness of Vegas. Plus, I love the great stores and beautiful shops. One of my fave spots in Vegas is the Caesars Palace Forum Shops. Another great place with fantastic shops is the Desert Passage in what is now Planet Hollywood but used to be The Alladin. The shows in Las Vegas are the really great thing to do. "Beatles Love" is so fantastic. It is very emotional. While you are watching it, you are totally engulfed in the experience of it. This is a picture of LeaAnn, Carla and me when we stayed at The Paris. We had just gotten back from seeing "The Red Piano". I liked it at The Paris a lot and LeaAnn did too. For some reason though, it did not particularly appeal to Carla. Probably because they did not have any great coffee shops there. We walked about a hundred miles down in the tunnel between The Paris and Balley's trying to locate a Starbucks and we never did find it. We saw it one time when we weren't looking for coffee and then we were never able to locate it again. We began to wonder if we just imagined it kind of like a lost soul out in the desert might see a mirage. We were in the desert afterall. ~Cindy
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