Thou spark of life that wavest wings of gold,
Thou songless wanderer mid the songful birds,
With Nature's secrets in thy tints unrolled
Through gorgeous cipher, past the reach of words,
Yet dear to every child
In glad persuit beguild,
Living his unspoiled days mid flowers and flocks and herds!
~Thomas Wentworth Higginson
Have you ever been driving and a beautiful butterfly fluttered in front of your car and you were afraid that your car would touch it and cause it to die? I just hate that when that happens. I am constantly on the look out for butterflies that might cross my path. They are too beautiful to be killed by a smog, belching $4.00 a gallon burning automobile. The beauty of nature must be preserved and it is my mission to protect the butterflies...at least all of them that I can.

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