Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Cheetos and Jesus?
I saw an article on the Internet this morning where a woman found a Cheeto that appeared to be Jesus hanging on the does she know? Roman crucifixions were common in the day. How does she know that is Jesus? It could be 'John Q. Roman'. Just something to ponder.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Altered Clipboard

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Nigel Makes the Catch

It only took four days until Nigel finally reels in the big catch and ambushes the Gekko. I was excessively harsh in my assessment of Claude's hunting "skills" to use a term from "Napoleon Dynamite". Claude was actually the one who flushed it out into open territory and winged it; disabling it enough that Nigel cast his web to snare it. I suppose the poor thing finally got so hungry, it had to come down from the ceiling in an attempt to locate the exit outdoors. I do believe the Gekko reached that threshold of regret that I referred to in an earlier post when cats and gekkos collide.
Time Management

I must get a better grip on my time management. I can waste more time using these two items than I ever dreamed possible. Priscilla is going to be livid when she finds out that I have not worked on the kneeler in over month. (I hope she doesn't read this blog.) I have really been using my Summer to lackadaisically goof off. The fun is almost over so I must try to get myself on a more stringent time table which definitely means less time in the fantasy world of cyberspace.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wrongfully Accused?
Don't Call Jason and Grant

I had just come out of the craft room when I discovered this clue as to what may have happened to the lamp shade. When I first saw him, he actually had his front right paw sticking out of the top of the lamp shade reaching for what appeared to be the ceiling and his hind quarters were only visible from below. Of course, by the time I got the camera, he was sitting here acting 'right' and 'innocent' like "who me? tear up stuff? no way!" Can you tell he has grown? He is a big boy now.
Call Jason and Grant

It is time to call Ghost Hunters. I think I have a ghost. This lamp was not left in this condition when I left home today. I return to find it this way. Could it be a ghost? Of course, there is the possibility it could be Nigel chasing an interloping gekko. When those gekkos manage to get inside, I bet at some point, they really regret it.
Honing My Jewelry Making Skills

If I do not practice my jewelry making skills every couple of weeks, my abilities dwindle. One definately gets better at it with practice as is true with most bents. As you can easily tell, I need to practice my photography skills. (skills is a term I use loosely). My earrings really do look better than this picture conveys.
Monday, July 21, 2008
When Lexicography and Paper Crafting Collide

Alright already, stop laughing. When lexicography and crafting collide, this is the result. Scarey, huh? I was attempting to make a rosette window out of tissue paper. I have seen this tissue paper technique on various home improvement shows when they actually apply it to the walls of a house. It looks pretty when they do it. I have reached a conclusion about my paper crafting skills. I do not have any. LOL! Did you ever watch the sitcom "Barney Miller"? The character played by Steve Landesburg, Sgt. Deitrich, has always reminded me of myself. He is never sure of what he is supposed to be doing, bouncing around from one thing to the next, never knowing how he fits into the world. Yesterday, Father Dickson preached about this and asked "Have you ever felt like somehow you were placed on the wrong planet?" That describes me completely. I am certain I am more well suited for Pluto or Jupiter than Earth. It must be a natural law in God's book of what makes the world turn that some must be born this way. The good aspect is that in all of my searching for what I do well, I have learned at least one thing about very many things which at least makes me an interesting conversationalist to strangers. No matter how many things I try, I am never dissuaded from trying again. If I live long enough, I will eventually find the thing I was born to do. I just hope I am still mentally able to do it when I find it.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hang on the Drive is Bumpy...Oh, That Was Just a Grave!

Monday, July 14, 2008
Russell Lee's Theme Song
As I said in an earlier post, all of my cats eventually get a theme song. It is not something I can plan. It just happens. Two my of my cats that are no longer with me have theme songs that I can hardly listen to without tearing up just because I loved those kittens so very much. I am thinking of this today because an email I received today had my little Rusty's theme song playing in it. My little Russell Lee is the one that started me down the Wonderful Road of Red Tabby. My heart brimmed with love for the cute boy because he was the sweetest thing. Another interesting fact about Russ is that he knocked on heaven's door multiple times before he finally did travel across the rainbow bridge. During his first serious illness, the song 'I Don't Want to Miss a Thing' by Aerosmith was getting a lot of airplay on the radio. Everytime I would hear it, I would think of my Russ because it was saying exactly how I felt "I don't want to close my eyes, I don't want to fall asleep 'cause I'd miss you and I don't want to miss a thing. Even if I dreamed of you, the sweetest dream would never do 'cause I'd still miss you and I don't want to miss a thing." He lived through that illness and a few more but eventually he did leave me and you know what I have found? The sweetest dream will never do. I still miss him and always will. Some people might think all of this cat talk is silly. All I have to say to that kind of person is that it is all of our differences that makes the world go 'round. All love is good love.
A Moment in History - July 12, 1543

On July 12, 1543, King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and final wife, Katherine Parr. This would be the wife that would outlive the King who died in January of 1547 leaving her a widow for the third time. As is well known, Henry was not a man that could live as a bachelor. After the execution of his fifth wife, Catherine Howard, he soon asked for the hand of Katherine Parr who was to be more of a nursemaid to him than a wife. She accepted his proposal out of patriotic duty rather than love. She had a stabilizing influence on the King's life and was largely responsible for the education of his two youngest children, Elizabeth and Edward. She was also known for her friendliness to the new 'reformed' religion. Her motto as Queen; "To be useful in all that I do." She died September 5, 1548.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Dreams and Doors

A recurring theme in many of my dreams is the theme of doors that will not stay shut or doors that are unlockable. I am sure you have had the dream in which you struggle with the lock for what seems like hours on end just to find that it keeps popping back open. If you look up locks and doors in dream dictionaries, you will find that they are often symbols of locking oneself away from their own feelings. (the exact meaning depends on which way the door is opening, in or out.) However, I do know this much about my own dreams. When I hit on the meaning, I know it immediately. This inability to lock a door in my dreams is a symbol of insecurity. I am afraid something will happen that I will be powerless to stop. Another theme that occurs many times in my dreams is the person I do not recognize. Obviously, this is myself. One never sees oneself as they truly are. (Speaking of truth, who's truth? Is how I see myself the true me or is how you see me the true me or is it someone else's vision of me? Truth is complicated, huh?) The woman in this dream standing outside of my door is obviously me. I am trying to lock her out but eventually, she will come in. It was not obvious while I was dreaming it but it is obvious to me now.
Monster Slayer Extraordinaire

And she is off to battle mythological beasts (in Austin, Texas). To read her article about slaying monsters from May 15, 2008, go here to The Dallas Observer.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Larson's Paw Print

I have been busy. I did this in memoriam paw print of my sister's kitty, Larson. My sister has been waiting for it to be painted for sometime now. He was a very beautiful Persian kitty. He had green eyes the color of new leaves. His coat was a shimmery silver. That is why I painted his paw print green and tried to add some shimmery glitter to it. No one could make a paw print as pretty as Larson really was never in a million years. When you have as many cats as we have in this family, I am sorry to say that one acquires quite a collection of these in memoriam paw prints as the years go by. :(
Pretty Medical ID Bracelet
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Dream Journal-First Entry

I have very vivid and detailed dreams. I love to analyze my dreams and other people's dreams too. I find them fascinating. I love the way the night time brain works out the issues of the day time brain. Something I stumbled upon on the Internet gave me the idea to keep a dream journal in pictures rather than words. It should be easier to capture the general tone and prominent aspects of dreams in pictures rather than trying to record them all in written form. This is my first attempt and I hope to improve with time. Tuesday night, I had a dream in which the prominent feature was a concrete set of stairs in a shady, overgrown wooded area leading to a house or houses. I dream of stairs a lot. Plus, another aspect of this dream that played a large part was a copse of trees that I kept looking past because I knew there was some altercation on the other side of the trees. Nothing in this dream was frightening or ominous. This is my depiction. More dreams to come later.
Someone Please Remind Me
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- Cheetos and Jesus?
- Altered Clipboard
- Nigel Makes the Catch
- Time Management
- Wrongfully Accused?
- Don't Call Jason and Grant
- Call Jason and Grant
- Honing My Jewelry Making Skills
- When Lexicography and Paper Crafting Collide
- Hang on the Drive is Bumpy...Oh, That Was Just a G...
- Russell Lee's Theme Song
- A Moment in History - July 12, 1543
- Dreams and Doors
- Monster Slayer Extraordinaire
- RosietheCat
- Larson's Paw Print
- Pretty Medical ID Bracelet
- Dream Journal-First Entry
- Someone Please Remind Me