A recurring theme in many of my dreams is the theme of doors that will not stay shut or doors that are unlockable. I am sure you have had the dream in which you struggle with the lock for what seems like hours on end just to find that it keeps popping back open. If you look up locks and doors in dream dictionaries, you will find that they are often symbols of locking oneself away from their own feelings. (the exact meaning depends on which way the door is opening, in or out.) However, I do know this much about my own dreams. When I hit on the meaning, I know it immediately. This inability to lock a door in my dreams is a symbol of insecurity. I am afraid something will happen that I will be powerless to stop. Another theme that occurs many times in my dreams is the person I do not recognize. Obviously, this is myself. One never sees oneself as they truly are. (Speaking of truth, who's truth? Is how I see myself the true me or is how you see me the true me or is it someone else's vision of me? Truth is complicated, huh?) The woman in this dream standing outside of my door is obviously me. I am trying to lock her out but eventually, she will come in. It was not obvious while I was dreaming it but it is obvious to me now.
I am always dreaming I cannot finish a task. The tasks are very varied and always simple ones. But something prevents me from completing them. Many times I am lost and wandering, looking for something I need to finish the task. Also I turn up in places where I think (believe) that I am not wanted or have no business there and am afraid someone will ask me to leave or what I am doing there. That makes it harder to find what I am looking for. And then sometimes, I dream about a ghost/haunted house. There will be only one room or portion of the house that is haunted. The rest is ok to go into. But you have to stay away from the part the ghost lives in b/c it it is too scary.
Cheshire, this is how I see your dream. Your tasks are your goals or objectives. Since they are simple tasks in your dream, they are simple goals…not your life’s goals rather simple daily ones. To wander is a symbol for lacking motivation which coincides with feeling lost which is a symbol for losing sight of your goals. You are looking for direction in reaching goals that you have lost sight of. This makes you somewhat angry at yourself for finding yourself in this predicament. This is manifesting itself in your dream when you feel you are turning up in places where you are not welcome. Those people that might possibly ask you to leave are your repressed feelings. You are angry at yourself for not being more committed to the accomplishment of your tasks. I bet if you make a daily task list for yourself and complete it, this dream will go away.
The ghost dream is more complex. I dream of ghosts a lot too, therefore, I am very familiar with this dream. When you dream of a ghost (especially if you are afraid of it), usually you are dreaming about a part of yourself that you fear. That is why it is always scary. No one wants to confront an aspect of themselves that they fear. It can be a bad memory. It can be an aspect of ones personality. Next time you dream of the scary ghost, try not to be afraid of it so that you can confront it. If you do, you may find some clues leading to the aspect of yourself or memory that you fear.
I have decided that the tasks dreams are related to the fact that I abandoned my RVT career. I do have feelings of remorse thinking back about how hard it was to complete the education and I really didn't give the career much of a chance(for many reasons). I guess I have come to this conclusion b/c I often think these thoughts when I am awake and very often the place that I am where I feel that I don't belong is the veterinary clinic where I had worked. Makes sense.
Yes, that makes sense. The reason you cannot finish the task is because you do not have a place to finish it anymore...the thing you are looking for to finish the task is a place.
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