You might think that having a pack of cats would mean that when one was missing; his absence would pretty much be undectable. Well, I have news for you. If you did indeed think that, you would be very wrong. My Maxie is missing. Oh, I know where he is, he has not run off like Nigel and Oliver did once. He is just not in the house with me where he should be. He is in the animal hospital. I never have talked much about my Maxie but he is truly very special. He came to me in an odd sort of way and at the time, I did not want him or I should say, I was not in the market for another cat. But then, I never am. He had belonged to another family before I got him. They had adopted him for a short four weeks before they decided he might be "too unruly" for their household. After they basically abandoned him with their veterinarian, he lived in the animal hospital (where he is right now) for one week before I went and picked him up. I never will forget walking in and seeing him in his cage at the clinic. He was a very beautiful, small blue solid sort of double-coated kitten. He was about 12 weeks old then. He sat all alone in his cage with about ten toys. He just peered at me as if he was asking "What do you want?" I brought him home and honestly, he did not like me. He really didn't and that was a first for me. I had never had a cat that was not crazy about me. He did not want me to touch him and he detested it when I tried to pick him up. He was probably thinking I would abandon him like his other family had. In short order though, he grew to like me and then to love me. When he was six years old, he was diagnosed with diabetes. We grew even closer at this time because it required a lot of hands on care from me for him. It is a commitment for me to care for him each day. It made a bond between us that is unique and special. He is twelve years old now and his diabetes may have taken a mortal toll on him. As I said, at this time he is hospitalized and hopefully, he may eventually get to return home with his family but he may not. His absence speaks loudly to me. There will be a hole in my heart until he comes home again and sometimes waiting for someone or something to come home can be a long, long wait, an eternity even. Until then, I love you, Maxie. We have your toys waiting for you!
Hi Maxie- This is your Aunt Carol. Now you need to get better because I need someone to talk to. You are the only cat that will talk to me on the telephone! Chin up and fight like a lion...you are going to be feeling better very soon. Love, Aunt Carol
Carol, I may have to take you to talk to Max in person because WE KNOW YOU KNOW HOW TO FIGHT. Love, Cindy
Get well wishes, Maxie! Come home soon!
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