One thing that is helping me to find time to blog today is that an ice storm arrived here late last night. It will be all over by noon so I can tell by the clock on the wall that I have approximately four hours to do things that I have not had time to do in awhile! Blessings come in strange and odd ways, do they not?
I got a new phone on Monday. I do not know how to use it yet but what I do know about it that is that it has the loudest and most obnoxious sound for the alarm that I have ever heard. Promptly at 5 AM, the alarm goes off and scares me out of my skin! Poor Claude, it scares the bejeepers out of him too. He takes off running and looking back at me like I am the meanest and baddest mother ever for inviting such a frightening noise into our usually peaceful home. Another thing about this phone that annoys me, it blinks constantly. I am not sure what that means. It has a blue blinking light that is constantly going, blink, blink, blink. Maybe one day I will have enough time to review the instruction cd but I kind of doubt it. Usually, I just rough it and make my way through things without reading the instructions never fully knowing the capabilities of the item until someone points out to me the most obvious and useful point that I have been missing for YEARS!
Claude has a toy lamb. He is so crazy about that thing. He is never without the booboo lamb. He is so cute with it because he tries to market it to Oliver. Claude really wishes Oliver would understand how marvelous this lamb is but Oliver just looks at it like "would you please get that nasty thing away from me?". Oliver will run off and Claude will pick up the lamb and run after him. Most of the time, Claude is standing by Oliver holding the lamb in his mouth and meowing through it as if to say "Hey, Ollie, I really do not think you understand what a wonderful toy this thing is." Claude never tries to convince Nigel of the wonderful qualities of the lamb, only Oliver. I am sure Nigel would try to kick Claude's booty if he brought it near him. Nigel is a pistol.
I see all kinds of cars on tv stuck out in traffic. If they would just pull off and park for a couple of hours, that ice will be gone. Even though it will still be cold, the sun really melts that stuff fast. Claude is trying to eat a string off of a blanket right now. That just bugs me! Why is it that cats like to eat strings? Once I had a bookmarker made entirely out of crochet yarn. My cat Rusty ate the ENTIRE thing! Needless to say, that presented all kinds of problems. It took about a month to get that guy back to normal not to mention almost costing him his life. Right now on tv they are showing pictures of the ice storm sent in by viewers. Someone took a pix of something in their yard that looked like a frozen toxic waste pool and sent it in. Why would anyone think that was a fun pix? Makes me wonder about folks sometimes.
I hear someone outside chipping ice off of their car. I think this would have been a time when I definately parked the car in the garage rather than chip ice! Well, I had better close up my first outing in typing my "stream of conciousness" and go pay some bills while I have the extra time!
With a little time and effort, you just may be able to save your blog from extinction. Often the first step in just getting on the endangered list! How is the round robin project? I have mine ready to mail. The next one I will receive will be yours. I have an idea formulating in my head that will hopefully gel with I see the actual book.
I am going to post a pix of the page I made in my Round Robin book here sometime very soon.
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