This is the page I did for Lisa's Round Robin book called "Take Me Back". She wanted us to depict a time and place we would like to visit again. Oddly enough, I chose school. I am not sure why. I am still going to school. Even now I am torn as to whether I want to go to Summer school or take a semester off. I am very, very tired. And of course now, I am very, very sick and tired. Right now, I am leaning to not going in the Summer but we will see. I do not have to decide today. I will save that for tomorrow. ;)Anyway, more about the page I did...there is lots of pink because that is Lisa's favorite color. I put lots of books in because well, we know Lisa loves books! I put a rabbit in because Lisa collects rabbits. I tried to put some of everything she likes in her book for her. I even added a personal letter in there for her. I hope she likes it!
Awww, this is totally sweet! LOVE the pink, love the rabbits ! Lisa (the other Lisa) couldn't help but love this.
Wow, what a perfect page for Lisa! I really like the polka-dots and all the school "stuff" including the note!
I had no idea that Lisa loves pink and bunnies...I was pretty sure about the books, though!
Feel better soon!!! XOXO
I LOVE it!! You made it so personal. It's as if.....well, you know........
Lisa, you are going to love your book. Everyone did such beautiful pages for it. I am so looking forward to all of the slide shows for all of the books!
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