Nigel is full of bravado. He likes to play the tough guy but really, he is a softie. A couple of nights ago, he made this art work for Tammy because he really wants her to know that there are those out there that are understanding of her situation and are praying for the best possible outcome to her current challenge. This piece that Nigel made is pretty but does not photograph well. Apparently the time Nigel has spent with the BCP has bode him well because he chose to take an excerpt from The Comfortable Words. I apologize for my photography skills as the words are nigh unreadable, therefore, I will transcribe them here:
The Comfortable Words
Hear what comfortable words our Savior Christ saith unto all that truly turn to him.
"Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden, and I will refresh you." St. Matth. xi. 28
Eventhough Nigel is an excellent artist, he depends on me for his blog entries...aye, there is the rub! The art he can whip out so quickly lays in wait for his Mom to make a post about it and she is not nearly so apt to jump right on that. Anyway, Nigel hopes you enjoy!
That Nigel is one considerate and crafty critter!
Nigel is precious! Give him a kitty kiss for me. I'm still over the moon about my art piece!
Nigel! Thank you so much for your artful prayers. I'm happy to report that I'm rallying in my valley of stillness. I've worked on a painting during this period and will be posting it on my blog later today. Thank you so much for your understanding and prayers. God Bless You "both!"
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