Hey folks, I have a plan! This is somewhat different for me. I am one of those people that likes to fly by the seat of their pants without a plan which probably explains why I have never made all that much progress in life but rather have spent a lot of time spinning my wheels doing doughnuts. I say that in a lighthearted way. I have never been too much into plans or schedules or iteneraries. Case in point, I have ALREADY gotten away from my plan to tell you about the plan. That is me...planless. Okay, the plan. I am thinking since I have been cranking out these digis like an assembly line that I will soon run out of cannon fodder. Therefore, I think I will try to have a theme for a day. Sunday will be song lyrics. Monday, tomorrow, I will figure out then.
I love the song Eleanor Rigby which I am sure comes as no big surprise to anyone that knows me. I mean it was written by Paul! Need I say more? When I think of Paul's age at the time he wrote that song, I am staggered in awe. How could someone so young already have such a keen perception of the fleetingness of life? Those words are so haunting 'she was buried along with her name'. No one will remember her again. All evidence of her life is gone with her burial. There is another song that Paul wrote that puts me in awe at his youthful yet deep perception. It is called "In Spite of all the Danger" which he wrote when he was 14. Maybe I will do a piece on that one someday. It could be a funny one to serve as a counter weight to the morbidity of this one.
By the way, stay tuned for tomorrow's theme. It will be a surprise to you and me both!
Awww...sad but beautiful. What is today's theme...hmmmmm???
I love this! The colors are beautiful and the lyrics are haunting.
Cool idea!
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