Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Bright, Bright Sun Shiney Day
There are days when the sun is so bright that it is blinding. When you first walk outside, you squint your eyes but when you are able to open them completely, you are astounded at the clearness of the day. We have had three or four of those in a row lately. The sky is so bright and beautiful and the earth is so green and beautiful that you know they are both jealous of each other. Silly earth and sky!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
If this book had a name, what would it be?
Friday, April 16, 2010
RMS Titanic
This is my blogstyle...do a little artwork...do a little writing. There is always something on my mind even if it does not relate to what I happen to create. That is what I will write about. This time it does happen to relate. I have always had a thing (fixation, obsession or what ever you might call it) regarding the Titanic long before all of the commotion generated by the most recent movie. However, I do not think this interest is uncommon. I think many people have a thing about the Titanic. Why is that? It is always heavy on my mind every April 15. There is something about it that is compelling to many people. I am not alone in this. There are a lot of topics like this that are captivating that cause many people to believe they have some sort of personal yet spiritual tie to a topic and who knows, maybe they do. These are only my speculations. They go something like this. Often when people speak of reincarnation, they think they might be the reincarnated Cleopatra or Napoleon or some other larger than life historical figure. Even if reincarnation is a possibility (I do not happen to think it is) but say it is just for arguments sake, we cannot all be these people. Some of us must be the rank and file "no names" that no one remembers. Excluding the reincarnation argument, rather, I think this feeling that people have that causes them to feel a tie to something is from a collective consciousness or in modern terms, meme. I do think there are unseen forces tugging and pulling at our minds evoking thoughts that are somehow plugged into a universal consciousness or single mindedness. Perhaps it should be thought of as the mind of all humanity. I do not know. But I know this much is true. There is no denying that a thought can pass across the world like an unseen wave. Is there an unseen wave bringing us closer to a collision with an unseen iceberg? That could be but in the end, I know it will all work out. I know, I never doubt, that we are heading on a course that only leads to one place good. Heaven.
Monday, April 12, 2010
I saw something like this at Starbuck's today except it was quite large. While I was waiting for my skinny cafe latte, I sat and stared at that wall hanging wondering what I could do if I tried my hand at it. Honestly, I have to say, mine is prettier than the one I saw today...at least to my taste, that is. Taste...that is an odd concept to me. I watch HGTV shows about house hunting. I have noticed some prefer new while some prefer old. Everyone is different that way. Some see granite counter tops and stainless appliances as a "must have". I am not so much into fads that way. Some move to completely opposite ends of the earth. While I am all for moving, I am not so sure I would feel comfortable in an entirely different culture. However, I do admire those with the courage to give it a try.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Vintage Memories
Oh where did I get off track with my day of the week plan? I don't know but that is okay. As I have said before, I do not function well with structure. These "pattern" women have become a staple in my photoshop playing. It all goes back to my paper doll days. When I was a girl, I played with paper dolls almost non-stop. I always had some paper doll set up going on that I would resume when the feeling hit me. I would build houses for them and fashion furniture. Mom would make me clean it up at least to a foot square from time to time so it would not get out of hand. Otherwise, I might be prone to take over the entire house with a big paper doll scenario. I had this one paper doll I was crazy about and played with more than the others. I had her out playing with her on the dining table but got tired and went to bed. After I was asleep, my sister and my baby niece came to visit my mom. I woke up the next morning to find my favorite paper doll had met with a sad demise. My baby niece had torn her head off! My sister and mom had tried to tape her back together for me. I mean they really tried to take a good stab at it. I did not let my feelings show because my sister was very remorseful about it and after all, I loved my baby niece so much that I could not hold a grudge against her. She is grown now like me but I still love her except much, much more than I ever did before. In fact, this lady here is at our favorite hotel. Wish we were both there now....
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
In Dreams
My dreams are extremely vivid. They are technicolor! I have noticed the content of my dreams will affect my day following. If I have a fun, exciting dream, my next day will be easy. If I have a sad, somber or scary dream, my next day will take on that tone too. Often, I am being chased. These are very frightening dreams. I never used to dream this...not difficult to analyze, is it? I am being chased by time. Life is fleeting, isn't it? One day your life is all in front of you. The next day, it is all behind you and it happened in the wink of an eye.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cell Phones and Trains
Today was one of those days when I really notice my pet peeves. Do you ever have days like that? One of my major peeves is the use of cell phones while driving. Often someone will nearly veer over into my lane and as I pass them, sure enough, they are either talking or texting on their cell phone. Arrrrghh!!! Okay, enough of what I do not like.
Things I like...trains. I love to hear a trains whistle. I especially love to hear a trains whistle at night probably because the air is cooler which makes the sound clearer. I wanted to use one of my vintage ladies boarding a train. Where is she going? Maybe nowhere.
Things I like...trains. I love to hear a trains whistle. I especially love to hear a trains whistle at night probably because the air is cooler which makes the sound clearer. I wanted to use one of my vintage ladies boarding a train. Where is she going? Maybe nowhere.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Full Pink Moon
The past leaves its mark even the deep past. Our ancestry is in our DNA. This is the only way certain fascinations and fixations can be explained in this life when we have had no prior knowledge or experience with particular themes or topics that intrigue us. I have a fascination for the moon. I remember far into the past, riding in a car with my father. He had taken me with him to deliver a television that he had repaired back to the family it belonged. As we were returning home, I remember staring out the back glass of the car at the full moon admiring its beauty and being hypnotized by its mystery. I could not have been more than three or four years old. That memory is as vivid to me as if it happened yesterday. Last week, the moon was especially beautiful. I could have almost read a book by the light it reflected. I cast a long shadow as I stood staring, again soaking in its mystery, admiring its beauty and being deeply appreciative for the beautiful world that God has given us. Life is a wonderful mystery.
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