Things will be changing around here in so many ways. One way is this...have you ever noticed how much time can get away from you while you are dawdling on the computer? The day can fly by. That is stopping here and now for me which will mean that I have many fewer posts with many fewer photoshop creations. No big loss. There are not many readers here. Most that read it, I can talk with anyway. Pretty much my blog is a diary for me to joggle my memory a year from now. Also, I love to play with the photoshop thing.
I have noticed a trend in society where everything centers around the computer. Honestly, I cannot say I like it. In some ways, it is good. In many other ways, I think it might not be so good. I really see a day not too far away when all social skills will be lost. Men and women will just order their spouses off of the internet. Friendships will solely exist in the cyber world. That is not much of a friendship. Short and sweet and sometimes trite comments will be posted on facebook, twitter and the like. Forget about the original spelling of words! 'Your' will become 'ur' and 'you' will become 'u'. I must confess I myself am guilty of this English language mangling behavior. However, I like to see the person I am talking to and not just on video. The other day while standing in line at a department store, I actually saw two teenage girls texting each other while standing not more than a foot apart!! Was it too much trouble to open their mouths and speak? I only knew this because one of them saw me watching them and told me it was" just a habit they had."
And on that note, here is the sixth day and I will continue this all the way to the 12th day. After that, there will be a lapse. I have places to go and people to see as they say. Life awaits me with all of my resolutions. Wish me luck! I wish you peace.
1 comment:
Pretty, with the hint of a postmark.
The world certainly has changed. I do love my computer and other electronics but I don't even have an ipod. I'd love an ipad, though!
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