However odd this might be for this hectic day, I did discover Henry's song. Remember how everyone in my house has their own song? "I" even have a song. "I" have two songs. That is how this tradition started. Back in the dark ages, I had a boyfriend that told me when he heard this one song, he always thought of me. A funny thing happened. Whenever I heard that song from then on, I thought of ME not him. Years down the road, another boyfriend told me the same thing except it was a different song, of course. As a result, I have two songs. Whenever I hear either of them, I think of ME and neither of those guys. However, that is my nature. It is my nature to move on and move past. I am still here and they are not. Therefore, it is logical that I would think of me and not egotistical or narcissistic.
Can you tell I am tired? ie. all of the rambling about nonsense? That is another trait of my nature. Rambling nonsense when I am tired but not stopping. No, not ever. I am the energizer bunny. I will give up when the battery finally goes completely kaput. I have never written about my late Claude's song. I will save that for another night. Back to Henry...his song. I am sure I have written that Henry always acts like he does not quite fit in here. He always seems willing to be last or to wait his turn while Ollie and Nigel go bananas wanting to be first for everything. I am sure I have mentioned how I have worried about Henry feeling as if he doesn't belong. I was listening to the radio on the way home and I heard his song. I have heard it many times before but it was the first time I realized it was talking about my Hen. It is a song by Pink called "Perfect". There is a profane version of the song but of course, my Hen's song is the clean version. The words that really speak to me about him are "Pretty, pretty please don't you ever, ever feel that you are less than, less than perfect. Pretty, pretty please if you ever, ever feel that you are nothing. You are perfect to me."
Hen is perfect to me as they all are.
Love the loose black and white graphics!
Cute story and those lyrics are so perfect for Henry. I like the musical notes! I also like the fact that you think of yourself and not the old boyfriends when you hear those songs! So excellent!
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