When my kittens were small before they came to me and turned into mine, they all lived out of doors. Therefore as little scuddlers, they became very 'weather savy'. To this day when they hear thunder, they will get under something. They know rain or possibly hail will soon follow a clap of thunder. They will either get under the dining table, the bed or as Nigel likes to do, burrow inside the sofa. Nigel is very frightened by storms. The poor boy must have had a really super bad experience. In fact, it was a rain storm that brought that little pistol to me in the first place. Again, what does any of this have to do with anything you might be wondering?
Yesterday as I was leaving work, I really think I saw a tornado. At least, it looked like a tornado to my mind. What say you?
It looks like it might turn into one of those big super duper things. So what do I do? I rush home thinking I can outrun a tornado, the very thing they tell you NOT to do. Well, I have never been one too much for following the rules anyway.
While I was speeding home, once when I had to go over a bridge, a big strong gust of wind felt like it was going to lift my little car right off the road and I might end up in Oz or Kansas or somewhere far way but not here.
As soon as I got home as always do, I began checking on those cats. Yep, Nigel is inside the sofa. Henry is under the bed. Where is my Ollie? I cannot find him anywhere. Finally, the last place I look is the laundry room. There he is! Boy has made a bed out of my dishpan and the drying bath mat. Okay, now he loves it and I have to leave it like that. Good thing bath mats are not expensive, right? This looks like a pretty safe place to hang out during a tornado to me. What say you?
1 comment:
They are so funny! I know what you mean about bath mats. Such a pain! It does look like a tornado! Crazy, awful weather here, too. Freezing rain, thunder, lightning, and wild wind. It feels more like winter vacation instead of spring vacation.
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