Thursday, September 1, 2011

Jacob's Broken Toe

Have you ever seen a cat with a broken toe? What does a broken cat toe look like you might be wondering? It looks just like that.

Have I mentioned that Jake is accident prone? Well, he is. I do not know how he broke his toe. I probably do not WANT to know. He did it while I was at work. A couple of weeks ago there was an incident with the cuckoo clock. He was playing with the chains and connected them to an electrical plug. Fire blew out about 10 feet and the plugs and lights on one wall blew out. Fortunately, baby was unharmed. I was terrified because I thought he was probably dead. I have tried to kitty proof everything but obviously I cannot protect him from everything. Needless to say, the cuckoo clock is up in a closet now. I can only do my best but sometimes that is just not enough.


Linda Jacobs said...

Ouch! Poor Jake. But don't beat yourself up; you do more than anyone I know for cats!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness. This is hilarious. Not the whole near-electrocution thing, but an accident prone cat with a mysteriously broken toe? Funny stuff. Sorry kitty. Get well soon! :)

Cindy said...

Amy, he is a mess!! You know they say that people that are 'accident prone' could be depressed? I do not think that rule applies to cats. He is full of joie de vivre! Maybe too full for his own safety.