Saturday, September 24, 2011

Nigel Exploits My Weaknesses

Have you ever noticed that the very thing you love about a person/thing is often the very thing that causes strife? One of the reasons I love my kittys so much is because they are very smart. They intensely yet casually observe me searching for my weak spots planning to self-servingly exploit those same weak spots later.

Nigel has learned that I have 'a thing' for books. He knows that it gets my attention if he pilfers with a book and many books come through here. He particularly learned this one night when I had borrowed a book from a friend and he started pilfering with it. Every time he would start rattling the pages, I would tell him to stop. After all, I did wish to give it back to her in the same condition she loaned it. Later when I was asleep, he would wake me rattling the pages so I had to get up and put the book somewhere he could not reach. He put 2 + 2 together to establish the fact that if he messed with a book that I would get up. If I got up, I might feed him. He was wrong about that fact but it has not deterred him. He knows I definitely will not feed him if I am asleep and there is still 'hope' that I might when awake.

Pilfering has turned into destruction. I try to keep everything I really value in a safe location away from little teeth. Still, he is resourceful. I was keeping this church bulletin from when I was confirmed. I leave it out now because he has fairly torn it to shreds. I do not wish to give him new fodder to tear to shreds. Go for it Nigel! What he does not know is I have another one. Then, there are the magazines. Usually, those are not extremely important to me except magazines are pricey these days. I would still like for them to be readable when I need them.

See what I mean about the very attribute you love becoming a thorn? It is not a great thorn just a little annoying 'sticker'. I cannot complain too much about it though since I ask for it none the less.


Linda Jacobs said...

OMG! He is something else! His exploits crack me up!

Lisa said...

Nigel, Nigel, Nigel......tsk, tsk..