Tuesday, October 25, 2011

With a Little Help from my Friends

Jacob has his own doll and he likes it. Lately, he has been playing with his doll quite a bit. His doll is Sylvester. Sylvester looks like Jake a little but Jake is cuter, of course. :)

I do not usually get large segments of time to do house work so I play 'catch as catch can' when it comes to house work. However, I always make a point of doing it. It just doesn't get done all at the same time. Okay, last night, I was vacuuming.

I talk a lot to my kitten boys. We have long chats. Anyone with pets understands this. These conversations are often funny. I should record our conversations. Last night, in between jaunts of vacumming, I was telling them how I really would appreciate it if they would help more around the house. I even suggested to Jake that maybe he could get a 'modeling' job since he is so darn beautiful. Of course, Nigel, Ollie, and Henry immediately got jealous so I had to convince them they were model quality too and could in fact go with him when auditioning for commercials and what not. Henry said he could drive as we had been out in the car a lot together lately. He thinks he has the driving thing down.

So what is all of this leading to? This morning as I was walking past the vacuum where I left it last night, someone (Jake) had propped up Sy against it. I am pretty sure Jake told him to 'get to vacuuming' because no way in heck is a 'real cat' going to work but 'mom needs help around here'.

When I walked back past it about 30 minutes later, it looked like this.

I guess Sy passed out from exhaustion already.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Such characters! This is so funny!