If there is a cat within 500 miles, it seeks me out. I don't really understand it but I think my mother might understand it best. She says the same cats are around everyone. I am just able to see them better sort of like some people can see miracles better than others. Sort of like some people see angels better than others. (By the way, I have met several angels.) Your love for a thing just sort of subconciously turns on your radar. Sort of like how a bat sees a bug in the dark. That is me...batty!
Anyhow, this is my new friend. I met him while I was walking to my car one night. Since that time, he waits for me every evening. I bring him treats. Oh yeah, you can make loads of friends if you bring food. That is an important thing to know. See him?
He is very shy. I have to leave his treat before he really comes up close. He thinks I am some kind of evil trickster trying to capture him. Oh no. I just want to spread the love around. My private inn is closed to all future business but my love is not closed. It is wide open to any friend open enough to receive it.
Can't make out what it is but your giving spirit shines through.
He is a cat. I befriended him while he was trying to catch a squirrel so I figured he must be pretty hungry.
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