Some of my observations end up in the weirdest dreams such as the one I had the other night. It was the kind that tons of observations of differing situations all ended up in the same dream. That makes for one heck of a dream; hilariously funny to recollect.
In this dream, I was at a football game. This was not a professional game at a big stadium. This was more like a large high school game or maybe a big district play off game.
First dream oddity: there were WAY more than 11 men on each team on the field at one time. Actually, there were more like 50 players on each team on the field for each play, 100 total not counting officials. It looked like a small flash mob.
Second dream oddity: I really didn’t think anything about all of the extra players or even wonder why. I just noted the location of the ball was difficult to discern due to the large crowd on the field.
Third dream oddity: Little Jake was with me in the stands. I was surrounded by hundreds of yelling people and I am holding a small cat. He was just calmly sitting on my lap looking around not trying to bolt or scratch my eyes out for bringing him to such a hullabaloo. However, I very tightly clung to him and even recall hearing some fans behind me say “Awe…look at that sweet cat.” Of course, I felt very proud of my boy. (Because listen folks and let there be no doubt about this, I LOVE my boy.) I realize cats are a dime a dozen but not MY cat. See, I operate under this axiom “All love is good love and in the end, it all feels the same.” Love feels the same whether you are loved by a little, cast off stray kitten or by the King of England. None is more worthy than the other or feels any different than the other. It all rates the same in my mind. Personally, I go for the one that needs me most. A little, cast off stray kitten with one bad eye needs me WAY more than the King of England would if in fact, he did exist but he doesn’t at this present time. When he does exist, let him get the “easy love”. “Easy love” indeed he will get because there will be throngs of adoring women just waiting to love him. Easy love doesn’t rate with me. I do not give it. I do not take it.
Okay, it is at the fourth dream oddity where things really, really get weird! I find I have left the game and gone home but not to my current home. Rather I am in a childhood home from long ago, a home I hated, a home that gives me the creeps to remember. Suddenly, I panic like a cow gone to slaughter! Where is my Jakey???? For Pete’s sake, what kind of dirt bag am I?! I left him at that crazy football game! Then, I tear out in an ancient, rattle trap pick up heading back to that goofy game all the while talking to myself about what a loser I am for leaving my cherished Jakey with a stadium full of yelling, strangers and what does this say about my pet owning skills. I don’t deserve to own a flea! I must be a real loser and not worthy of such a prized cat and how he should hate me until he dies for this foul mistreatment. Speaking of dying, yeah, he is probably dead already come to think of it and I should just go throw myself off the nearest tall bridge for being such a derelict cat mom! Oh no, where is my Oliver, Nigel and Henri??
Needless to say, it was turning extremely ugly when I woke up without ever finding my Jakey, or my Oliver, or my Nigel or my Henri. Whew! That was a bad scene. Glad it is over.
So, how do you recover from a dream such as this one that focuses on what you deem your most wonderful and holier-than-thou attribute that probably in reality is not all that wonderful or holy and definitely not valued by very many? You go create some she art and tell yourself some lies about how valuable your devotion really is and how you give your heart completely, truly and eternally only to those that are worthy in your jaundiced eye. Yep, that is what you do.
And here it is in all of its glory.
1 comment:
Wow, that is some inspiration for art. Love the colors and words! Aren't dreams something else?
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