I just love this thing I have been doing in photoshop lately converting some of the photos to black and white. Are you a black and white person? You know what I mean. Do things seem black and white to you, right or wrong, yes or no? Do you think in a binary pattern? This path or that path? Or are you a shades of gray person? Nothing is ever black and white to me. I have always been a shades of gray person. Nothing is ever that neat and tidy to me. Nothing is ever clean cut. I remember once my sister said the funniest thing about me that I had never thought of up to that point. She said if someone ran up and said "A spaceship just landed outside and it ain't got no doors!" that I would say "They said 'ain't got no doors????'" Someone having seen a spaceship would not be nearly as important to me as how they expressed themselves when describing their astonishment. After she pointed that out to me, I realized she was right. I am a word person. They carry a lot of weight to me. However, I also know this much is true. Never judge a person by their accent. Accents are often very misleading. They cannot be used to judge a person's intelligence level or educational level. However, if you ever do hear someone say "It ain't got no doors", I think it might be safe to assume that something has gone sadly awry somewhere along the educational way.
By the way, I am still dreaming of the North West.
Seattle |
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