Back to star gazing, last night I saw a falling star. I was looking straight up at the zenith of the sky when, what was that? Movement? Yes! What appeared to be a stationary star began to fall straight toward the Earth. Closer and closer it fell while its tail grew longer and longer. Brighter and brighter. A thing of beauty she was. She fell right into my hand all glittery and shimmery. She wanted to bring me a memory and she did. She brought me a memory of when I was a small child. I used to sit outside on summer evenings with my mom. We had a big three seater rocking chair outside. My mom and I would sit there and star gaze together. Sometimes we would play a game. She would ask me to look for the first star and tell me to make a wish when I found it. I do not recall any of those wishes. I cannot even begin to imagine what I might have wished for at age 4 or 5. I do recall those stars though. They are the same ones I gaze at now. Except now, I do not really wish when I see them. Now, I pray. I am certain what I pray for now is nothing like what I might have wished for then. And then, the memory continued. In my memory, I saw all of the hundreds and hundreds of fireflies that my mom and I used to watch while we were outside on those summer nights. Even then, mom would ask me not to catch them because she said they were prettier flying than they would be in a jar. I remembered hugging my mom while my heart felt as if it would burst from the love I had for her. And that is the memory that the falling star brought me as I looked at those ancient stars that God made.
I really did see a falling star last night.
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