I manage to work a full time job in only four days a week and it is not an easy job either. I go to school too. There they have me write, write and write some more about all kinds of topics just to give me experience. After all, if I am ever to support these youngsters in their persuits of degrees in higher education, I must know how to write as well as they can and know how to document their articles even better than they can for their submission to peer reviewed journals. However, I digress. I seem to have so much spare time on my hands that I have volunteered to stitch this tapestry kneeler. I was told that it will take me approximately one year to complete it because that is how long it has taken others who were not able to dedicate their lives solely to their kneeler's completion. Look at the kneeler closely. This is only a small portion of it that I was able to capture with my meager camera as I am not a professional photog with a high powered wide angle lense. The kneeler is over seven feet long. And yes, that is a Longhorn on it. What are the odds? The other ladies got kneelers with depictions of doves, crowns, lambs, olive branches, angels and other religious symbols. When it came to time to pass out my kneeler, I get a Longhorn Cow. Is it me? Is it so obvious? Do I have the word 'hick' stamped on my forehead? I think only certified country folk get Longhorns! The funniest part is that I like him and did not even object to having to stitch him. In fact, I am already referring to him as Bevo. I can tell you this straight up; Bevo and Nigel will never meet because I would not even know how to begin 'replacing' Bevo if he got a hole chewed in him! Periodically, I will post progress. BTW, wish me luck!
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