Tuesday, April 7, 2009

This or That?

I am an animal lover. (tee hee hee, what an understatement!) ANYWAY, my mom recently lived at a facility out in the country for almost 3 months. One of the nice aspects of this facility is that it looked out on a ranch. We would watch the cows going to eat when their Dad (is that the correct term to use for the man that feeds the cows?) would come to feed them every evening. The little calves were so cute! I started wanting a calf. I even began to fantasize about keeping one in my backyard. My backyard is "kind of" big relatively speaking anyway. I mean it is bigger than a bread box. ANYWAY again, my mom did mention to me that me getting a baby calf was probably not the "best" idea since there is probably some city code about it. I would never let a small thing like that stand in the way though. I "kind of" got past the idea. Then, Sunday I met a baby donkey. He was at church just fraternizing with the parishioners. His name was Poncho. ANYWAY again, I want a baby donkey now. So which will it be? A calf or a baby donkey? Decisions, decisions.
Will it be this?
Or will it be that?


Lisa said...

Hmmmm, I see you dilema. For me, the choice would come down to a baby goat or a pony.

Cindy said...

Hey yeah!!!! A pony!!! Let's both get one! Maybe we can get a discount if we buy two!

Lisa said...

I've never been a horse person. Until recently. I want a horse of my own. My husband tells me they are not easy to care for, but I know he would get me one if I really, really wanted it. Maybe when we move to the country. For now, I admire the myriad of beautiful horses in pastures along the highway.

Cindy said...

I actually am a horse person. I am an 'everything' person though. I want one of every animal (Except snakes. It isn't that I do not like snakes. I just want them to keep to themselves.) Everytime, I see something, my sister says "oh, no, she is going to want that now."...like one time I really wanted a polar bear. :p I def think you should get a horse!