Friday, August 10, 2012

Such is the nature of life

Is that how I appear to God? A tiny hand wishing I was there and not here?
If you cannot tell what that is in the picture, it is a cat's paw hanging over a sky light. He (feral cat, Patch Adams) had been only seconds prior peering down inside at all of us wondering why those cats got such a cush set up and he is still outside sizzling like a fish in a pan full of grease.

It is not uncommon for the ferals to get on the roof and peer in this way which always gets me thinking about what seems to be the nature of life or the old roll of the dice. Why me and not them? Why not me instead of them? Is it the roll of the dice or is there a master plan?

I cannot observe nature without knowing that there is obviously a master plan. But I do not know anyone privy to the details. I know some smart people too but none on the level of God.

I had an odd conversation the other day in a store with a complete stranger about this very topic. I was standing in a long line waiting to check out probably looking bored when the lady behind me says to me "Do you know why we are here?". I awoke from my daydream to respond something like "Why we are here at Wal-Mart? Good question. Wish I had gone to Krogers.". She said "No. Here on this planet." I said no, I didn't know but if she had any secrets I really wished she would share them with me. She said very matter of factly, "We are only here to help each other." I told her that I agreed that was as good a reason as any and no doubt that was part of it but I believe there is much more to it than that. Unfortunately, I doubt I will ever know the real reason because I am certain it is far beyond my human comprehension. Apparently, it is beyond feral cat, Patch Adam's comprehension too. ;)

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Deep question, for sure. I like her simple answer even though, like you, I'm sure there is more to it. But, in the mean time, I'll continue with her policy. Whenever my students would get into a conversation about whether there is a god or not, I'd interject that God is the kindnesses we choose to bestow on others. That seemed to satisfy even the nonbelievers.