Saturday, June 28, 2008

Craft Room Decisions

July is going to be the month for remodeling my craft room. I am very excited about it! I have finally gotten all of the other things out of the way that I needed to do this summer before school begins again. Now, I can work on FUN STUFF! I have already been cleaning out the craft room so I can start with a clean slate including the closet of the craft room. Here is the puzzlement. For the past few weeks, I have been contemplating the color scheme of the craft room. I have been focusing on finding an 'inspiration piece' and then it occurred to me to make my own 'inspiration piece'. I have been making these little 8 X 8 art pieces in hopes it would offer inspiration as to what color scheme I wish to commit to but so far, I am not that committed to anything. Everything seems good when I am trying it. I know as I get closer to painting day the inspiration will strike! This is one of my little attempts at inspiration using topics that are meaningful to me. I will post more of these inspirations later. I do know one thing for certain. Denim will be the fabric of the craft room. Funny how I do not have any problem committing to fabrics.

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