Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Almost Forgotten Board Book

Remember my little autobiographical board book? Well, I almost do not. I started out with a lot of steam where it was concerned just like a full on steam locomotive but dwindled quickly just like a full on steam locomotive with one single, tiny, lump of coal. I am still working in it but here is the problem. I did not do any 'planning' when it came to the number of pages in it. That is me. I am not much of a planner and honestly, that should be reflected in my autobiographical book, right?

Oh, I am a big 'thinker', 'analyzer', 'ponderer', whatever you wish to call that but planning? Not so much. Therefore, the past 3 decades of my life will be confined to three single pages in the book. That is okay with me. I have made some backgrounds for it but have not filled in any details yet with personal pictures and what-not mainly because I do not have many personal pictures of myself.

My mom has an entire box full but I really do not wish to go rummaging through her stuff just to make a book about myself because it would solicit many questions from her about what I was looking for and why. If I said I was making a 'craft book' she would want me to explain that. In the latter years of my mom's career life, she was one of the 'teachers' at a church school. I put 'teacher' in quotes because that is what they called her job but she mostly did what I call 'babysitting'. She kept the 3 year old children. They filled part of their days with what mom called 'crafts' and boy, did mom ever complain to me about those crafts. She would tell me about how uncrafty she was and about how the three year old kids were all little Picasscos compared to her. She said she did not have a crafty bone in her body. I know that is not true because I had witnessed mom's craftiness before in my life such as her mad sewing skills but she did not view sewing as a craft. It was more of a necessity.

Do you see from my digression what my true craft is? I have a love affair with words. Yep. Words. Me. We were meant for each other just like two peas in a pod. However, I do enjoy other 'crafts' unlike my mom did. So I keep giving them the old college try. And I will use what I have and that will have to do as far as my autobiographical board book goes.

In the mean time, I have begun this little 'custom' book that I made with embossing. I love to emboss but never know what to do with it. I never know what to do with things I have made other than give the occassional card that I create for someone's birthday. I am not one to place a lot of frivolity around the house to catch dust. But still, I am embossing some book pages and am unsure as what to do with them. Any ideas? I wish I could turn it into something about England. I am making a long list of places I have to go next time I am there. If I could incorporate that here on these pages, I could create something pretty and useful at the same time.

I especially love the page with the owl.


Linda Jacobs said...

They're gorgeous! I've never done any embossing but I love it! I also like your nail and the bright polish! I had acrylics for eleven years and loved them but when I went to Florida to care for my mom when she had cancer I let them go and never went back. I've got really ugly nails but I've learned to live with them. But, oh, I do miss those deep cranberries I used to wear.

Cindy said...

Thanks Linda for the compliment regarding my nails. I can grow nails and hair amazingly fast. I am not sure how as I probably eat as little protein as anyone I know!