Monday, November 14, 2011

Skanky Bites the Dust

Remember Old Aunt Windy and Skanky Possum? (Old Mother Westwind Knock Off) Well, if you can, hang on to that thought.

This morning as I was leaving for work, I looked up into my side yard as I was backing out of my drive way and saw a sight that caused my heart to skip a beat. I saw a dead animal in my yard. I feared it was Puff Daddy, a beautiful young feral Ragdoll. The animal I saw was his coloration and all I could see was its back. I slammed on the brakes and drove back into the driveway. I got out of my car, ran to the side yard but as I approached, I could see this.

Is this poor old Skanky? What do you suppose happened to him? He did appear to have a broken tail but no other significant wounds. Do cats kill possums? I have seen them kill squirrels with one swift break of the neck. This is the third dead possum I have found in my yard this year. He is not 'playing possum' either. When I picked him up to dispose of his body, he was stiffer than a board. I know rigor sets in pretty fast. I estimated him to be dead just over night. Poor old skanky thing. Finding these dead animals is just one of the unpleasant tasks of running a 'nature preserve'.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

I missed this post earlier in the week.

So glad it wasn't Puff Daddy!

Have I told you how much I love the names you give your cats? So inventive!