Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fly Me to the Super Moon!

In honor of the super moon tonight, I made this today. I have been very artistic today while needing to be very janitorial. I worked on my biographical board book even finishing another phase of my life. I will post it tomorrow.

I worked outside in the yard some too. My back yard is somewhat "wild". It is kind of like a wildlife sanctuary. Anyway, there is this wild rose thing that has taken over a loblolly pine tree. I do not think you can quite grasp the magnitude of this from this picture alone. This pine tree is tall.  It is encroaching on a little red bud tree next to it too. By next year, I figure the entire house will be under it. I have a bridal wreath spirea about to do the same thing on the other side of the yard. Heaven forbid that I should take a clipper to them. I like things to grow wild. Just visit my yard and find out.


Lisa said...

Love your nod to the super moon. Can't wait to see it tonight.

Linda Jacobs said...

Awesome moon picture! It reminds me of the cover for Life As We Knew It which is about a meteor hitting the moon and moving it closer to the earth causing all kinds of devastation. It's a YA novel our tenth graders read and love.

And that tree in your yard is growing like crazy!

Cindy said...

Linda, I am going to read that book. YA is my fave genre. There are so many exceptional writers in that category.