Friday, March 18, 2011

Study in Red and My Thoughts for the Day

Do you ever have times when there are many thoughts traveling about your mind? I am in one of those phases. It is the state of the world causing it. I am an avid believer in there being no separation between us and our universe. We are the fabric of the universe. It is not us and it. It is not us and the earth. It is not us and wildlife. We are one. There is no division.

There is a weekly show I watch that hosts a man that is very smart; there is no denying it. I admire his dedication to knowledge and his constant search for the facts. However, he has one trait I do not admire. Instead, I realize he just 'does not get it'.

Some people that tout themselves as being only factually oriented take pleasure in being atheists or agnostic. If they cannot 'prove it', they cannot believe it. I hate to say it but many academic types believe in this manner. They believe this is an admirable attribute. However, I see it as a sign of egotism no matter how smart they are. What would you think of me if I said "Well, if I cannot understand it, it must be hogwash." ? You would think me very full of myself and perhaps you would laugh at me for being so vain. This man I am speaking about is this way. This man whom I watch his show weekly believes this way. This man says religious teachings are largely myths and fairy tales.

There is no doubt that everything that is espoused as religious teaching and writing is not all accurate. No doubt. There is no doubt that many original writings have been ignorantly and sometimes craftily misinterpreted and translated. However, there is much truth still to be found in those writings too. The baby should not be thrown out with the bathwater as they say.

I say perhaps the universe is such a great and wonderful thing created by One so incomprehensibly more intelligent than we are that everything that One does must appear as magic to us just as fire did to cavemen. This One can create everything out of what before was 'seemingly' nothing. Seemingly to our ignorant, childish eyes. To say that if I cannot understand it, it must be magic is silly. Magic is science that was once misunderstood or not even dreamed of yet.

I suppose the disaster in Japan has me pondering all sorts of mysticism. We are one. There is no separation from our small selves and the mysteries of the universe. Go out tonight simply to admire the moon and the stars. Then, tell me it was all created simply by accident. You won't be able to say that. You won't.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

I like your digital design. Red is my favorite color.

And isn't free speech wonderful? We can all express out thoughts and beliefs in any way we choose.

BTW, I did see the moon last night! Awesome!