I have been doing a lot of dress making lately...of various kinds.
First of all, do you just wig out when you find something that you completely, totally, fabulously love? I do. When I love something, I can just wallow in it, roll around in it, slather it on, sink into it, and anything else I can think of to do with it. I suppose I am somewhat hedonistic that way. I so love the fabric tulle. Tulle is angel's breath for me. I can feel kind of blue, blah, hohum, whatever then see tulle and the sun blindingly shines! I love myself some tulle! Well, I had myself my first tulle sewing experience. Needless to say, I was in some kind of tulle induced fantasy all during the while of it. I am not going to include any pictures here but I will in oh, say, about a month. In a month, we are having a big party of sorts and tulle will flow! Yay for tulle!
Then, there are these other wee, paper dresses. I have been working on another background all week. This one is big, 18 x 24. Now, it is beginning to look small. What is wrong with me? Am I trying to take over the world with these she art things? This is kind of rare for me. Well, not really come to think of it. I suppose I have always been a bit rabid about stuff I like. (ie. cats, for example and uh, what was I just saying about tulle?)
Okay, tonight I declared the background complete enough to start putting a girl into the scene. She had to be big. Problem. What to cut her out of? A tarp? A bed sheet? She would not fit on a 16 x 16 piece of paper but I got most of her on it. I feel kind of like Dr. Frankenstein making a girl out of parts. Here I am working my Frankenstein skills.
Then, here I am continuing with my Dr. Frankenstein internship.
She is turning into a real girl or at least, a reasonable fascimile of one. Now, time to try her out in her new environment. Will she fit or is she the 90 foot woman?
Looks like she will fit well! She has to stay there in a state of undress until later. Making those wee dresses is complicated, time consuming and I just was not up to the task tonight. Plus, I have not quite decided what her dress will look like. Hello! What about some tulle??? I did have another thought too...a hat on one of these girls could be superb! But not this girl. This girl is not the hat type. This girl is definitely the hair type...she will rock some hair! Wonder what her words will say? This is so much fun for me. It is a perfect fit for me which is extremely rare. I have always been the proverbial square peg but not this time.