Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gambian Rat?


Did you see where there is a problem with these rats in the Florida Keys? Supposedly, they are 'cat sized' which got me to thinking. (I hear you mumbling "Oh no!" under your breath.) Wonder what one of my boys would do if he encountered one of these giant rats? I think it would be something like the encounter of horror when the opossum tried and succeeded in eating their cat food. 'Possums look somewhat like rats, right? Then, there was that other confrontation with a miffed raccoon that threw a cat food dish at me because he found it empty. His anger was personally directed at me though and not at my boys since I was the one falling down on the job by not generously supplying all wildlife in the area with plated up food. Regardless of the reaction, I am hoping those rats do not travel this far west. While I respect and value all life, that does not mean I want to live in close proximity to it all. ;)


Linda Jacobs said...

I saw that! Gross! We are planning a boat trip to the keys next month. Yikes!

Cindy said...

Hope if you see one that he looks like the one in this picture wearing a little harness.