Saturday, September 4, 2010

Days of Old

By now, I could be dragging out the pattern girls again but since I forced myself to stop leaning on them so much, I found that I learned many other things. That is the beauty of forcing yourself to do something that is not your natural inclination. Every once in awhile, I use these old, scary people. Of course, these people really were not scary but their pictures were because they had to sit motionless without demeanor in order to have their images captured. These people from this age had hard lives which made them strong. I would probably last about 15 minutes living back then. I cannot really imagine myself going out and plowing a field behind a mule and plow. That is not to say that I am lazy because I am not. I just cannot abide the hot weather. I would have to choose housework if it was any cooler which it probably was not back in those days. I cannot even speculate as to what my life would have been back then because I am a woman that likes to row her own boat. Life was so hard for people back in these days very few were able to row their boats alone. It usually took many people to keep the boat on course. It took a village as they say.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

It's so hard to imagine what it must have been like for them. Even up hee I have to have the air conditioner on to sleep. And those clothes! Heavy and warm and uncomfortable. And they just look so darn unhappy! Cool piece!

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