Saturday, September 25, 2010

Focus on a Small Thing

Probably when you look at this, you do not think 'focus' but rather 'compartmentalize'.

However, this is how I focus. Through my niece, I discovered something about myself that had previously gone unanalyzed. It is a trait that both she and I were born with. We are easily overwhelmed by size. For example, if someone said to pack up this entire house and load it on a moving van, I would wander aimlessly with an empty box in my hand, picking up an item, laying it back down, walking a little bit further just to pick up something else then just to lay it back down again. This can go on for hours. By doing this, I am attempting to find a starting place but I am engulfed in an overwhelming wave of confusion. I have watched my niece do this many times because she has moved many times to far places like London and New York. Surprisingly enough, she manages to get it done. This is how we figured out how to deal with this issue. We must focus on a one foot by one foot square. Pack that up then move on to another one foot by one foot square. All day, I have been working out in the garage. I have 16 years of items out there. Some of it is mine. Some of it is my mom's. I am cleaning it all out. It is large and overwhelming. I am focusing though using the one foot by one foot method. I made lots of progress today! When I get it all cleaned out, I will post a picture of it here.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Great advice for anybody! Once little section at a time.

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