Friday, September 10, 2010

Ribbon Candy Time

I have noticed as I uh...ahem...age...that strange things are happening. Strange things such as I am still growing but outward rather than upward. My once taut skin is somewhat shall I say 'relaxed'. My hair is not as thick as it once was but maybe it has just moved to my chin. In other words, folks, things are heading south. That is okay though. It does not bother me that much. I am pretty much okay with it because I still feel young on the inside and I know that is a feeling that will not ebb. But there are other strange things happening that are more difficult to explain. I find myself going through periods of intense rememberance of different points in time. A couple of years back, every night as I was falling asleep, I would find myself locked in a memory of being 16 or 17 years old, walking inside the mall. Every night in my memories, I would walk the mall looking into the stores, recalling them in detail as they were then. Night after night, I would gaze down at my wedge-heeled clad feet walking, walking, walking and looking, looking, looking deep into the stores for further memories of days past. Time passed and that period of reliving that nightly mall trek memory slowly subsided. It departed so slowly in fact that I did not even register its passing. The next thing I knew, I was reliving another entirely different childhood memory. Then came another memory and another and another. And that is how it has been for a few years now. For small periods of time, I can so vividly recall something from the distant past and it will be something that I will delve deep into wishing to remember more. At this point, I am locked in a memory of riding in the family car up a hill to a park where deer are and my sisters and I are going to feed them! It is a way fun memory and I am so enjoying reliving it. I am sitting in the back seat of our car looking out a back window searching for the deer feeding behind a chain link fence eagerly anticipating running from the car to the area where the deer will be waiting for us. What is causing these ripples of memories? My theory is this one. We have a tendency to think of time as being a straight line but what if it is a wave of ribbon like that red and green Christmas candy? What if it is an ocean of ripples that undulate and unfold on top of each other? Maybe that point in time that I continually recall is folding right over me during this phase in my life at this precise moment in time. The bygone memories are close and stimulating my remembrance of them. Some people think when we look into outer space that we are looking into the past. I do not know about that but what I do know is that I will again relive the past tonight. I will be riding in a car, up a hill to a park where there are deer and...

Ripples In Time

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

So vibrant! And I like your theory.

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