Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Fall Day

Okay, eventhough it was pretty hot today, I think it is supposed to cool off again soon. At any rate, I was in a fall mood today. We had an alter guild rededication ceremony today and a lunch afterwards. Plus, we had a stained glass window tour. I learned a lot about stained glass windows. The gothic arch is not just a beautiful architectural happenstance that suddenly began to occur in churches in Europe. The rising top of the arch is in fact a symbol of aspiration toward Heaven. Red is the color of truth. Purple is the color of royalty. In some religions, there can be no competition by way of ornamentation in the houses of worship with God. There are no stained windows or ornamental alters. Anglicanism encourages worshipers to use the ornamental elements to see into the mind of God. For example, it would be completely appropriate to meditate on the elements contained in a large window during Morning Prayer. Every element which are many in a large window is a symbol.

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