Tuesday, October 5, 2010

You Know Your Handbag is Too Heavy When...

You know your handbag is too heavy when you set it down in the passenger seat of your car and it sets off the alarm indicating that your passenger has not fastened his seatbelt. Listen, if my purse gets a ticket for not being buckled up, I will definitely know I am carrying way too much junk around with me.

Let's focus on this lady here for a second. She thinks what she wants is front of her but what she needs is behind her. She is just pointed in the wrong direction. Have you ever looked in the wrong direction for happiness? I have. I am sure most of us have. I just hope I never make that mistake again.

1 comment:

wristlets said...

Well mistakes are bound to happen for us to learn and not commit those mistakes again. In every painful experience, there's a sense of learning being used.

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