Sunday, January 16, 2011

To My Sweet Boy

I never will forget the night you came into my life. Almost nineteen years ago, on a new moon, June night which meant it was very, very dark, I went to meet you in  the country far from the city lights. I loved you from the first second I saw you as you came bounding down the back steps of your house and out into a field of tall grass in which you so obviously felt completely at home. I picked you up,I looked into your sweet eyes, I held you and I never let go...until today. Today, I said goodbye to you at 3:45 in the afternoon on a day that so starkly compares to the day we met. That is as it should be. On the day we said goodbye, the skies were cold and gray. Again, I looked into your eyes except this was for the last time. I tried to memorize every aspect of them. I hope you know how much I loved you and always will. I am sure you knew. Someday or somenight, I will be with you again. I wonder what kind of day that one will be. Will it be warm? Will it be cold? Until then, my sweet, sweet boy, please know I will love you forever and I that am keeping your booboo lamb safe for you. Bye, sweet boy.


Anonymous said...

Awwww, Cindy, how sad I am for your loss. Nineteen years! A long and happy life in your loving care - no cat could ask for better. And so cute about the lamb; our nine year old "Boo-Boo" has a little beanbag duck that he has loved since kittenhood. They steal your heart, don't they?

Linda Jacobs said...

Darn, that's so sad! I hate losing pets. That's one reason won't have any more. He was so lucky to have found you. Take care!

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