Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Valentine Psychology

I have been making some Valentine vignettes. This top one depicts a self assured woman. All of the lovely colors indicate her happiness. The fogginess of some of the hearts indicate that she has a past but it is not bothering her. It is just that...past and somewhat forgotten. She knows that everything makes up the whole package. Without a past, she would not be the woman she is now.

The many layers of the one above indicates this woman has not walked a simple road. There was darkness at times but she thought she knew love. It was not real. She only thought it was at the time. If it had been real, it would have been red and not pink. She lets it bother her unlike the other woman in the first vignette. This woman is a bit old fashioned indicated by the lace. She should banish the darkness, focus on the experience of it then, learn from it. She will eventually. She is young and there is still lots of time. Someday, she will be like the other woman in the first depiction. Okay, 'nuf of those vignettes...on to the cute stuff.

What would you do if you never could use your laptop computer because 'someone' is using it for a warm bed all of the time? 'This Boy' (remember his theme song?) has developed a liking for hanging out with my 'puter. I tried to trade him an electric blanket set on the lowest setting but he soundly rejected it. I actually think he prefers this hard bed. Hmm...maybe 'this boy' has back problems. Just a thought. I cannot imagine how he would possibly hurt his back though since he never lifts a claw.


Lisa said...

I see the pattern girls are back in force. Good. I missed them.

Linda Jacobs said...

I love your imagination! Great stories to go along woth the pictures.

And too funny about "That Boy"!

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