Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Baby Boo Update

You realize, of course, Baby Boo is not his 'real' name. Baby Boo is what I am calling him lately. Sometimes I call him BooBoo. Sometimes I call him BooBear. He is a tiger full of spit and vinegar always moving like a circle saw. He has teeth like a vampire. He loves to use them too. He chews on anything and everything. Here he is chewing on my glasses. I let him chew those because that felt better than my fingers.

Now I have had lots of cats that have shoe fetishes. You know the kind I am talking about. The ones that like to lie on a pair of shoes you just kicked off. They camp out on them like they are their very own beds. Then, when it comes time to put your shoes back on, you have to tug them out from under whomever that shoe lover is. They act all perturbed like 'how dare you take my bed away, hateful mom!' Well, Little Boo Boo is a first for me. He is a purse lover. It actually makes sense that a cat of mine would be a purse lover. Anyway, he scopes out where my purse is and actually gets in it. I am not sure what he thinks he is doing. I think he hopes to be a stow-away but he may just think of it as his own personal house. Not sure about that yet. I am still 'studying' it. Here he is working to get into my purse even though I thought it was pretty well hidden from him.

Tomorrow, he and I take another vet visit together. I will probably have more pictures and tales (tails?) then. I say probably. I never got back here with those painted fingernails the other day. So we will see.


Lisa said...

Cats are so funny. My Benni thinks she is the queen of the upstairs. Is "BooBoo" his internet name? You know, like some ppl don't use their kid's real names on their blogs?

Cindy said...

Nigel thinks he is the owner of the back of the sofa. He patrols it like 'king of the mountain'. If anyone tries to jump on it, it knocks them off. You are right, cats are so territorial. Actually, I call BooBoo is just one of many nicknames. His real name is Jacob Blackandwhite. Ed and Bella are ferals outside.