Monday, August 29, 2011

Little Dude Gets An Eye Test

Okay, here we are this morning at the opthomologist. Little Dude got an eye test. They tested how much tears his eyes make and he was tested for glaucoma too. As it turns out, he has something called symblepharon. There is not anything that can be done about it. Sometimes it eventually covers the entire eye. His may have done all the damage it is going to do at this point. That is what we hope. Look at his sweet little profile in that kitty carrier. Everyone always oohs and ahhs over him because he is just so adorable. His little body is so cuddly, sleek and warm. He came to the right home when he found me. I have been running the home for special needs kittens for years now. Funny how they know that instinctively.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Hope his eyesight won't get any worse!