Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Remember the board book?

Eighteen million years ago, I began the story of my life board book. I made it all the way up to the 1970's. Then, something happened. I lost steam. My engine blew out. So I put the board book on the back burner.

I have mentioned the 1980's before here. They were odd for me. They were a learning time. I would liken myself at the beginning of the 1980's to a tree that had never been pruned. I was all willy, nilly with branches sprouting here and there having lots of leaves but lacking definition. By the end of the 80's, all the superficiality (or most of it) had been pruned away. I had been pruned right down to the trunk with only a few limbs remaining but with strong roots. I was ready to grow toward the sun. My goals were more honorable. My intentions were better. Long story short, I was a better person. Growing is painful though.

So why not a picture of a tree here? In retrospect, it should have been.  But at that time in my life, I was focusing on  my innerself, therefore, the eye is an appropriate symbol too. It is all happening on the inside. Plus, that make up on that eye kind of reminds me of something I might have worn then. It is definitely not something I would wear now. Well, at least, on most days. ;)
Me circa 1985

Me Circa 2011
See the difference?

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