Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Sizzling Life of a June Bug Beetle

I do not have a crafty entry for the blog today. Instead, I just came in from outside where I was feeding 'the brood'. You see, my neighbor and I decided our brood was becoming too heavy (ie. fat). Those guys were coming to Mom #1 to get breakfast, then, going to Mom #2 to get another breakfast. (I designated myself as Mom #1 because I am doing the writing here. I may have been born at night but not LAST night.) Same thing for dinner. Except they would go to Mom #2 first because she gets home first then when Mom #1 gets home later, they would come to her for another dinner. Instead of cats, they were becoming pigs. So the moms conspired and decided that Mom #1 would feed breakfast and Mom #2 would do dinner. That brood caught on fast. Right at 6 AM they would all show up for breakfast. At night, when I got home, not a cat was to be found here. They were at Mom #2's house eating dinner. Let it be said that a cat surely knows a sucker. Along about 8:30 PM, they all show up at Mom #1's house all ganged up at the back window wanting a 'snack'. Mom #1 is a pushover. It is not enough for her to give them a snack but she must go out and fraternize with them all and make sure they are all okay after the day.

Okay, folks, long story short here. While I was outside with the snackers, I did some of my famous ruminating or pondering. I am well known for  my ponderings. My life assessments are often appreciated for their shall we call it 'uniqueness'? Anyway, I like to observe nature as most who read this blog already know. So while I was listening to the cacophony of  loud cat food munching, I sat and watched a June bug. What is up with that life form anyway? Have you ever watched one? They sizzle around on the ground on their backs in a circle. I call it sizzling because that is what it sounds like. Then, when they do in fact manage to upright themselves, they immediately attempt to fly. They do not fly though. Instead, I would call it more of a launch maneuver. They 'launch' around for about 5-10 seconds, fall back to the ground on their backs, sizzle around and around and around in a circle again, upright themselves and so it goes over and over and over and over again. This is the life of a June bug beetle. What a strange insect, right? Just something to think about next time you see one.


Linda Jacobs said...

This cracked me up! Who else would scrutinize bugs this way! Actually, my Kylie would! She loves bugs and knows the names of a bunch of them.

Cindy said...

I knew I felt a kinship with that beautiful Kylie girl!

Linda Jacobs said...

Dung beetles are her favorites!

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