I suppose a crepe mytle without leaves counts, a bald cypress dropping leaves counts and one yellow leaved pear tree definitely counts.
Okay, this orange sweet gum tree definitely counts too as a sign that autumn is here. That little shrub there without leaves is called a 'burning bush'. It looks as if it might have burned already.
Changing subjects, I have so many projects going on now that I can hardly shake a stick at them all. I am making some jewelry. I am doing some around the house projects such as touch up painting outside. I am still cleaning out the garage and almost have it whittled down to nothing. I have a writing project going that is epic. I am taking a break as I write this because I might just go mad from all of the writing that I am doing presently. Even in these little art works, I write even if it is just a little letter. Fortunately, I do not have to write with a quill pen or I am certain that I would go mad. This little work might suggest that the letter is a love letter. It can be whatever you want it to be but really it is symbolic. Me + writing = Love. Even when it is a whipping, I love it.