Thursday, June 2, 2011

East or West?

Are you west coast or east coast? My niece who has very similar tastes and interests to me is definately an east coast girl. She lived in NYC for 4 years and loved every single second. That is understandable. I can see why she loved it. However, I am more of a west coast girl. L.A. was my dream hometown. While I would probably have to commute into town for work, I would live near the coast. I dream of the cool, Pacific winds blowing through my open windows. I dream of hiking in the mountains. I dream of walking along the San Diego beach. I really had intentions of making it my home once. Then, the dream faded but it still comes around from time to time. Every hot summer, it crops up its little head. However, now I have a tendency to dream a little further north from there. Which are you? East or west or neither?


Linda Jacobs said...

Well, having always lived on the east coast, I'd have to say I'm an east coast girl. We did spend a winter in Hawaii once and that was way, way out west and I thrived there so who knows!

Cindy said...

Linda, I guess both is an option too. You can be both east and west!

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