Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gecko Bath Salts

You know how they say things happen in 'threes'? Oh, dear. I am worried already. Remember how I said I always keep the bathroom door closed? That also includes when I am in there. Okay, where to begin? The beginning, I suppose.

Often when it is stifling hot as it is, I take a bath in the evening to cool myself down some. Tonight, I did just that. After returning home late tonight from visiting my mom, I went in and drew up a nice, cool bath. I was in there relaxing and enjoying the cool water applying some body scrubs, putting a mask on my face. The bathroom door was almost closed but not quite. The catch was not completely in the lock. A slight push would have flung it wide. As I said, I was relaxing, enjoying the coolness when suddenly I hear some cat(s) barreling down the hallway like a run-a-way train. With a major shove, the door flies open and in tears Ollie as if he was running to a fire! He had something in his mouth. Oh no, on closer inspection I see he has caught one of those geckos!! He runs up to the bath tub and throws it in on me as if he is attempting to drown it! His plan must have worked because it was just lying there in the water lifeless and floating upside down. Ollie with his front paws up on the edge of the tub stared at me as if he was saying "Close call but fast thinking was the answer." Needless to say, my relaxing bath was over. Let's hope things do not really happen in 'threes'. I say that is just an old wives tale.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Too funny! I love how your creations are a record of the simple and quirky and everyday parts of your life!

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