Thursday, June 30, 2011

My Adoptive Children

Do you want to know something particularly funny? I sort of think of these two as 'my kids'. I am very protective of them in my mind's eye. As in always being interested in their welfare and searching for signs of continued happiness. I want them to be happy...forever...just like I would my own kids. This may seem odd yet I am betting I am not the only woman out there that feels this way. Catherine is particularly lovely in blue.


Linda Jacobs said...

Did you see her at Wimbledon? She had on the cutest white dress. She looks great in everything! I hope they make it, too!

Lisa said...

So I'm thinking you should change the name of your blog, hmmmmmm??

Cindy said...

Hey, Lisa, good idea!! How does Will and Catherine's Mom sound?

Linda, I did see that little sheath dress. I would like to design something for her. Catherine has the physique to look beautiful in a potato sack.

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