Thursday, December 8, 2011

Love At First Sight

A fiction book I was recently reading asked a compelling question. Do you believe in love at first sight? My first response was “I hardly believe in love at all much less love at first sight!” Then, after I thought about it awhile, I realize I do believe in love on some level. However, love is very complex and often what we think is love is not. At times, we mistake guilt for love. Other times we mistake obligation for love. True love is probably an extremely rare thing. You know what I mean…loving someone/something “just because”, knowing you would never get anything back from them in return. There was nothing in it for you except the opportunity to love them not because of anything they ever could or would give back. It is complicated when you really think about it, isn’t it? The answer to the original question is, no, I definitely do not believe in love at first sight. A funnier question is what difference does it make what I think? It is not like I am the Oracle of Delphi. Blogging is silly sometimes that way. Mostly I do it because it gives me the opportunity to make one of these little pictures.

1 comment:

Linda Jacobs said...

Cute little picture it is, too! Funny, I was just reading a book that asked that same question. Mostly, I find love at first sight really is just lust at first sight, merely a chemical reaction. Love comes later after knowing the other person.